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Why you need a traffic attorney?

If you receive a traffic violation, you may be wondering if you need to hire a traffic attorney. Speeding, drunk driving, and other driving infractions come with serious penalties and fines, and hiring a lawyer can numerous advantages when you go to court. These reasons make it worth consulting a traffic attorney:

Avoid points on your license
In Missouri, most moving citations come with points added to your license, and these remain on your driving record for at least three years. More than eight points within an 18 month period can result in license suspension. More than 12 points in 12 months can lead your license to be revoked for one year. While points will eventually be reduced over time if you do not receive any other moving violations, hiring a traffic lawyer to represent you can help you avoid points being added to your license.

Get your license back
The period in which your driver’s license is suspended depends on the violation, and driving on a suspended or revoked license comes with more severe penalties. You can get it back by paying the fees for reinstatement or contesting the suspension in court. Fighting the suspension in court with an attorney can help you avoid the fines because he or she can expose the flaws in the case.

Avoid a criminal record
Traffic tickets can stay on your driving record for years, and some citations come with serious penalties. Some employers include provisions in their contracts that any employee convicted of driving under the influence or similar offense will be terminated, so the stakes are much higher.

Expunge matters
If you have encountered previous issues with traffic violations, hiring an attorney can help you expunge matters from your driving record. This can be complicated to do on your own.

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Why you need a traffic attorney?


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