  • November 16, 19
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Possession charges

Well, this is a bit serious. Missouri has some of the toughest drug laws in the country. Drug possession charges are also complex to understand. And most of the times, the drugs were found in possession of those who are already taking them.

Right from the time you are caught with drugs to the time you are released or proven not guilty, keep one thing in mind that you need to be vigilant and very careful about what you say. Depending on the Schedule of Drugs that are found in your possession, the legal statute referenced as Mo. Stat. Ann. 195.017 specifies the drug’s category found in your possession.

Drug Possession Charges can change your life:

The worst thing that can happen is that it will be written in your record. Even if you are a minor or someone who does not even do drugs, found in possession means that you will have to bear the consequences. So, the next time you allow your friend who does drugs or is addicted to any medicinal drugs obtained without a prescription, understand that it can all fall on you too.
And we are not talking about fine or imprisonment here. Instead, there are a lot of other adverse consequences that will stay with you for life. At all costs, you should avoid being charged as a convicted felon, because once you are branded as a felon life itself will become difficult.


You will need our help:

At Traffic Counsel, we are well versed with all kinds of possession charges and even better we know how to help you reduce the consequences. The severity of punishment depends on which Schedule of drugs is found in your possession. The Schedule I drugs invite more rigorous punishment and heavier fine than those under lower schedules.

We are different than other lawyers as we know what you might be going through in this instance. Rest assured that our lawyers will move mountains to help you get out of this trouble with least possible consequences”

To tell you a secret, if ever you are found in possession of cocaine in your car, just say that you do not know what it is. The office will run a test and if the white powder is indeed cocaine, then you will be arrested at that moment. But it has also been found that 70% of the field tests of cocaine are false and they won’t be considered in the court.

Similarly, there are several ways in which you can get everything sorted. But this is only possible if you leave it to the experts at Traffic Counsel. We will help you get your life and freedom back. We can help you be with your kids once again, help you see them grow and raise a family. But most importantly, we can help you live a better life. So, consult us today and let us help you. For more info or a free quote, fill in your details and send them to us, or you can also call us at (636) 388-8461.

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Possession charges


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