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5 Traffic Ticket Hacks Only a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Tell You

Getting traffic tickets is not something that we all like, but it is something that we all have to face.To get around these tickets and to save yourself from troubles, you need the assistance of a traffic ticket lawyer. 

Well, the good thing is that at Traffic Counsel, we are a highly experienced and passionate team of lawyers at your service. We have gathered prowess in this process and today we will be sharing some hacks that only a lawyer knows. 

These hacks will help you avoid getting traffic tickets in the territory of Missouri. 

Traffic Ticket Hacks that you should know:

1. Using a Radar Detector: Well, installing a radar detector in a few states of the USA is also illegal. But that is only in Washington DC and Virginia. Rest, in all the other states, it is legal and easily available. 

But, do not confuse installing a radar detector with a radar jammer. Installing a radar jammer is completely illegal in the majority of the states in the country. 

So, you must only install a radar detector. The main benefit of a radar detector is that it reads the electromagnetic frequencies of the systems that are installed by the authorities. After getting an alert, you can reduce your speed and save yourself from a speeding ticket.

2. Plan your Route ahead: Another hack that you must follow is ensuring that you plan your route before going out with your vehicle. Every day the local DMV websites provided updates and information about the routes. 

It gives information about the changes in routes, the changes in speed limits, construction areas and other diversions (if any). 

Going into these restricted areas without prior information means that you may enter an area or drive at a speed that is not recommended. 

3. Respect the Law and more importantly, the lawmen: Well, this is something that a good traffic ticket lawyer will always suggest. And giving respect to those who work in the public service department is something that we should always do. 

We understand that our emotions get the better of us when we are in such a situation. But, you have to control yourself in these kinds of situations. Otherwise, you may end up in a situation that is even more troublesome than a simple traffic ticket. 

We all have read the adage “Keep Calm”. Well, this is the time to bring it into practice. A good attitude may set you free without any ticket. So, try to be cordial and listen carefully to the officer. 

If you have made a mistake, accept it, apologize and tell the officer that you didn’t know about it. 

4. Validate your Reason: Most of the time, when you challenge a ticket you will have to give a reason to the judge for your mistake. But, what if you share the same reason with the police or patrol officer. They are also human and can understand your situation. 

A traffic ticket lawyer can also help you challenge your ticket in court and explain the situation to the judge. Further, it depends on the judge whether or not to waive off your ticket. 

5. Deny all Charges: The last hack that you can exercise is to deny all the charges in front of the police officer. Do not practice this hack all the time. Keep it as a last resort. 

This is what a good traffic ticket lawyer will always suggest to you. But you have to be a bit strong and confident here. Don’t be sarcastic. Do not apologize. Doing any such thing will mean that you are admitting to your violation. 


If any of these hacks do not work and you still get a traffic ticket, don’t worry at all. Our team of expert traffic ticket lawyers is here for your assistance. All you need to do is give us a call and we will be there to help. 

We will provide you with the first quote for free. Any ticket, Any Missouri court, one solution, Traffic Counsel

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5 Traffic Ticket Hacks Only a Traffic  Ticket Lawyer Can Tell You


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